Public Function set_part_stocking_lev(ByVal bin_name As String, _
ByVal location_name As String, ByVal queue_name As String, _
ByVal part_number As String, ByVal mod_level As String, _
ByVal domain_name As String, ByVal part_minimum As Integer, _
ByVal part_maximum As Integer, ByVal part_rol As Integer, _
ByVal part_roq As Integer, ByVal is_active As Boolean) As Integer
This API creates a part restocking authorization level. The location, bin, part number/revision/domain must be specified, as well as the various levels and the reorder queue.
Parameter Name Required? Description
bin_name Yes The bin for the restocking
location_name Yes The location for the bin
queue_name Yes The queue that the reorder part request will be dispatched to
part_number Yes The part to restock
mod_level Yes The revision to restock
domain_name Yes The domain for the part
part_minimum Yes Minimum quantity for bin
part_maximum Yes Maximum quantity for bin
part_rol Yes The level at which a reorder is triggered
part_roq Yes If a reorder happens, how many get reordered
is_active Yes Is this restocking entry active?
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Missing queue parameter
-2 Missing location parameter
-3 Missing part number
-4 Part reorder level < minimum
-5 Part reorder level > maximum
-6 Part reorder level < 0
-7 Part reorder qty < 0
-8 Part minimum < 0
-9 Part maximum < 0
-10 Location does not exist
-11 Bin does not exist for given location
-12 Queue does not exist
-13 Mod level does not exist
-16 Part authorization record already exists
ret_objid Output Returns the objid of the [newly created] part stocking location
· Set a reorder for Bin 2 in Austin for the "CD Rom" part. Set levels and dispatch queue to "High".
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccl.set_part_stocking_lev("Bin 2", "Austin", "High", "CD Rom", "", _
"Quantity", 2, 100, 10, 20, True)
var ret_int = fccl.set_part_stocking_lev("Bin 2", "Austin", "High", "CD Rom", "",
"Quantity", 2, 100, 10, 20, True);